Barry Callebaut's recipe for cocoa and chocolate

Barry Callebaut's recipe for cocoa and chocolate

La recette de Barry Callebaut pour régner sur le secteur du cacao et du chocolat

Historically French, the Swiss group Barry Callebaut relies on its innovation to remain the world 
leader in cocoa and chocolate. But also promises more traceability and ethics in the sector.

His name may not speak to you, and yet a quarter of the chocolate tasted around the world comes from his cocoa. 175 years ago, was born in Meulan (Yvelines), on the banks of the Seine, Cacao Barry. In 1996, the company was in good marriage with the Belgian Callebaut, and was chewed by the Swiss family Jacobs. Since acquiring the Singaporean Petra Foods in 2013, Barry Callebaut has simply become the world's number one in cocoa and chocolate preparations.

Its competitors are commodity giants, Cargill and Olam. In both Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana - which together account for 62 percent of the world's cocoa production - they are fighting a fierce battle to increase the productivity and traceability of the thousands of small plantations they work with. While new agribusinesses, such as the Ivorian KKO, listed on the Paris Stock Exchange, and United Cacao in Peru, make their entry.


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